2021年5月13日,普林斯顿高等研究院张瑞祥老师应邀为hjc888老品牌黄金城师生做了题为“A stationary set method for estimating oscillatory integrals”的线上学术报告,报告由张安老师主持。

张老师首先回顾了振荡积分的一些经典结果包括稳定相位原理,随后介绍了一种新的研究方法,称之为驻集(stationary set)方法,并使用驻集的最大测度这样一个几何量来控制振荡积分,进一步回答了Tarry 问题的收敛指标问题和相关的Fourier 限制性(延拓性)问题,得到了一类最佳指标。
报告人简介:Prof. Ruixiang Zhang is currently a member of IAS, Princeton. He obtained Ph.D. from Princeton University under the advisement of Peter Sarnak. After that, he became a Van Vleck Visiting Assistant Professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison, after one-year member at IAS. Prof. Ruixiang Zhang is a leading young mathematician, working in harmonic analysis, where he already made important contributions. He published more than 20 papers in leading math journals, including Ann. Math and Invent. Math. He is also an IMO gold medalist and silver medalist of New World Mathematics Awards.