2021年5月20日,南加州大学邓煜助理教授应邀为hjc888老品牌黄金城师生做了题为 “Full derivation of the wave kinetic equation”的线上学术报告,报告由张安老师主持。

邓老师首先回顾了Hilbert第六问题和Lanford定理,进一步从粒子系统过度到一类波系统,介绍了湍流理论中的一个重要猜想—波系统的动力学猜想问题,以及已知的部分严格的数学结果。邓老师与合作者证明了在合适的伸缩法则下,三次NLS方程的热力学极限由相关的波动力学方程刻画,讨论了不同的伸缩尺度的选取问题,简要描述了证明的基本思路,以及这个猜想的解决对其他有趣的公开问题可能起到的推动作用,如Bourgain 关于环面上 NLS的解的长时间行为的猜想—Hs范数的增长问题。
报告人简介:Yu Deng obtained his PhD at Princeton University in 2015, after attending Peking University and MIT as an undergraduate student. He is currently working at University of Southern California as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics. His research interest includes PDE, harmonic analysis and probability. He has published more than 20 papers, most in leading math journals, including Acta Math. and CPAM. He is also an IMO gold medalist, Putnam Fellow, and 2021 Sloan Fellow.