报告题目:Sectional-hyperbolic systems
报告人:Carlos Arnoldo Morales教授(里约热内卢联邦大学)
报告摘要:The theory of sectional-hyperbolicity appeared as an attempt to incorporate the Lorenz Attractor into Smale hyperbolic theory. We will explain with examples how this theory appeared from pioneering work by Edward Lorenz about meteorology prediction passing from emblematic examples as the Plykin or solenoid attractors to the singular horseshoe and the Geometric Lorenz attractor. If time allows we present some research directions and problems.
报告人简介:Morales教授1994年博士毕业于巴西纯粹与应用数学研究所(IMPA),导师为著名动力系统专家、国际数学联盟原主席Jacob Palis,现任职于巴西里约热内卢联邦大学。Morales教授的研究方向为微分动力系统和可测动力系统,他已经在Ann. Math等重要数学期刊上发表论文百余篇,其与合作者共同给出的奇异双曲性(singular hyperbolicity)将Smale马蹄和Lorenz吸引子统一到同一概念里,是这一领域的奠基性工作之一。Morales教授现也担任J. Korean Mathematical Society等期刊的编委。